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U.S. political news briefs.
Miscellaneous U.S. government news.
News about political or government personalities and their private lives. This group is for news that affects political personalities, but is not explicitly political in nature.
News of U.S. government business and economic policy. The Telecommunications Act is an example of the type of legislative policy that would fall under this category.
News of U.S. government financial policy, including budget issues. Stories about cuts to government programs, reducing the deficit, etc. are found in this group.
News of U.S. government foreign policy legislation, position statements and various policies directed at the all foreign areas except the Middle East.
Articles about U.S. party politics, electioneering, campaigns and political maneuvering in Congress. (News of the 1996 presidential and congressional campaigns will be found in the groups, but other general politicking and political coverage will be found here.)
Press releases covering state, local and federal governments.
News of state and local governments. This group includes news about local legislation or federal legislation that will directly impact the relationship between state governments and citizens.
News about the President and officials close to him, most notably the First Lady and the Vice President.
News and coverage of Bill Clinton's presidential campaign. This group will exist from July 10 through the third week in November. Non-electioneering news of the president will still be found in
News and coverage of congressional races across the United States. This group will exist from July 10 through the third week in November. Non-electioneering news of the current congress' actions will still be found in
News and coverage of Robert Dole's presidential campaign. This group will exist from July 10 through the third week in November.
Legal news and stories about U.S. lawsuits, U.S. Supreme Court decisions, other court actions.
News of the U.S. military, troop movement, soldier actions, policy. Stories about base closures, or stories such as the Tailhook scandal or accidents involving military aircraft will be found in this group.
News of terrorism and terrorist acts in the U.S. A terrorist action is considered to be any use of violence or force by a military or paramilitary group against innocents to a political or ideological end. News about the Oklahoma City bombing case, the World Trade Center bombings, and the Unabomber will be found in this group.
Top U.S. news.
Business Editorial Living Local Net News Sports USA TechWire World

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