
Commerce Business Daily

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The Commerce Business Daily (CBD) lists notices of proposed government procurement actions, contract awards, sales of government property, and other procurement information. A new edition of the CBD is issued every business day. Each edition contains approximately 500- 1,000 notices. Each notice appears in the CBD only once. All Federal procurement offices are required to announce in the CBD proposed procurement actions over $25,000 and contract awards over $25,000, that are likely to result in the award of any subcontracts.

ClariNet classifies the notices into appropriate CBD newsgroups according to their classification codes, to make it easy to find the types of contracts in which you are interested.

CBD newsgroups all have "cbd" in their names.

More information can be found in the page General Information on the Commerce Business Daily.

ClariNet is not responsible for the contents of the Commerce Business Daily. If you are interested in pursuing a contract you find in the CBD, contact the person mentioned in the contract; do not contact ClariNet. If you are not interested in pursuing a contract, please do not pretend that you are. The government looks very dimly on false or fradulent bids on its procurement contracts.

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