Minutes - August 95

William Langham (blangham@westnet.com)
Thu, 14 Sep 1995 11:15:24 -0400 (EDT)


AUGUST 17 1995

NEXT MEETING: SEPTEMBER 21 7:00PM at Westchester Library System.
Call 592-8214 for Directions.

1. Membership

With input from several new attendees, a review of WATPA's
current mission and ways to best achieve it were discussed.
WATPA must address whether it seeks to become a broadly based
membership organization or remain a smaller group, focussed on
establishing WATPA as the authority on public policy as it
relates to:

a) The availability of government information
b) Open access to community information
c) Westchester's local Information Infrastructure

The consensus seemed to be that we should concentrate on
becoming an authoritative source of specific information
regarding Westchester's general information infrastructure.
To achieve this it was suggested that a Speaker's Bureau be
created. Speakers should be sought with expertise on topics
such as marketing on the 'net, local access considerations and
the possibilities offered by community cable. Gene Robins is
to coordinate the list. Bill Langham is to identify potential

Target audiences for the Speaker's Bureau are various local
organizations - Lions Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, Rotary
Clubs and other groups impacted/interested in the impact of
the "Information Age."

Other means of accomplishing the WATPA Mission include the use
of Cable Television. Mitch Freedman is to explore the
possible restoration of his library-related cable show, Andy
Spano is to explore the possibility of a regular WATPA segment
on Yonkers Cable new daily CableNews show, and Norm Liss would
seek to include WATPA-related interviews for his "Places to
Go/Things to Do CATV show, perhaps drawing on The Presidents'
Council, a group of small business/entrepreneurs doing
business locally.

2. Internet Video Status Report

Intros/Outros have been added to the "TRONCOMM" segments on
the Internet. They are in Cablevision's hands for final edit
and graphics preparation.

Discussion ensued about who our target audience is and why
we're trying to reach them.
3. Discussion:

Possible opportunities for WLS & WATPA cooperation focussed on the
two-phase development of a WLS-based Community Information Server
built upon content solicited by WATPA.

PHASE I would include online community calendars, event
announcements from Westchester-based groups and organizations such
as Westchester Council for the Arts, The NAACP, Hispanic Coalition,
transportation info from Westchester County, Metro North and the
MTA, Parks and Recreation and social agencies.

PHASE II would entail inviting local governments to establish sites
served by WLS and offering government information, meeting
schedules and agendas, garbage collection schedules, whatever info
communities might care to make available online, essentially
creating city halls that are open 24-hours a day. Municipal
officials would have electronic mailboxes and "wired" constituents
could reach them via the net.

Bill Langham is to generate a working list of potential content
providers and make introductory phone calls, introducing the idea
of such a Community Information Server and inviting participation.

Nine people attended the meeting.