WATPA: Shaping the Network Society, May 20-23, Seattle, WA (fwd)

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From: William Langham (blangham@westnet.com)
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 22:13:49 EST

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 20 Mar 2000 20:29:32 -0000
From: sevoy@quark.cpsr.org
To: cpsrus@quark.cpsr.org
Subject: Shaping the Network Society, May 20-23, Seattle, WA

  ~ Please forward to interested colleagues and lists. Thank you! ~

          The Future of the Public Sphere in Cyberspace

    A Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Symposium

                       [ First Announcement ]

               May 20 - May 23, 2000, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                    University of Washington HUB
                      Seattle, Washington, USA

 +++ Cultural Policy and the Arts +++ Understanding the Network
            Society +++ Bridging the Digital Divides +++ Activism
Old and New +++ Public Cyberspaces +++ Networking the Networks
     +++ Crossing Borders +++ Localism / Globalism +++
Strengthening the Civic Sector +++ Strategies
for the Network Society +++ Multimedia and Interactive Events
+++ +++ +++ +++ Sociology of Cyberspace +++

       Cyberspace is likely to become the dominant medium through which
       people create and share information and ideas in the future. How
       these conversations about the environment, culture, leisure, and
       political decisions, are conducted is everybody's business.

What directions and implications does cyberspace foretell for
community, democracy, education and culture?
                                         Is e-commerce ALL there is?!?

This symposium is the seventh in CPSR's "Directions and Implications of
Advanced Computing" (DIAC) symposium series. This symposium tackles
important public interest issues related to computing and
communications that are often neglected by the news media.

The objective of DIAC-2000 is to integrate many perspectives,
conversations, and people from around the world. What is the public
sphere in cyberspace? What should it be? How can people use it? What
experiments, projects, and policies should we initiate?

    We need stories, theories, and ideas that can help us
    discuss, reflect, and take action.

Social and environmental activists, educators, technologists,
government officials, artists, journalists, researchers, and citizens
are coming from all over the world to participate. 15 Russians who are
developing civic networks in six Russian cities will discuss their work
developing new civic institutions. Prominent researchers and activists
from Europe who are working on issues from human rights to cultural
policy have also been invited to present. A research thread also runs
through the symposium: How can academia and the civic sector work
together and learn from each other?

Although we are still shaping up the agenda we are expecting the following
eminent participants.

  + Natasha Bulashova; Friends and Partners; Moscow, Russia
  + Fiorella de Cindio; Milano Rete Civiche; Milan, Italy
  + Penny Goldsmith; Poverty Network; Vancouver, Canada
  + Susana Finquelievich; Buenos Aires, Argentina
  + Cees Hamelink; Human Rights and Communication Rights; University of
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  + Nancy Kranich, president-elect of the American Library Association
  + Dmitry Latuhkin; Chelyabinsk Civic Network; Chelyabinsk, Russia
  + Geert Lovink; Media Theorist and Activist; Society for Old and New
    Media (Amsterdam); now in Canberra, Australia
  + Veran Matic; B92 Radio and Internet; Belgrade, Yugoslavia
  + Judy Sparrow; National Telecommunications and Information Agency;
    Washington, DC.
  + Nicol Turner; Mapping Community Assets; Net Consulting Group, Chicago

Workshops. As in our 1997 Community Space and Cyberspace symposium
there will be 20 - 35 interactive workshops. These will cover a
variety of topics including setting up your own community network,
community asset mapping, and many others.

Time and Place. On-site registration opens at 8:00 AM on May 20 and
9:00 on May 21. The program begins at 9:00 and ends at 5:00 pm. The
main events will take place in the HUB Auditorium at the University of
Washington. On Monday and Tuesday (May 22 and 23) we will convene a
variety of smaller, more focused events. We are assuming that many
participants will not be available for this portion of the symposium.
Therefore we may need to limit attendance to 200 people. Please let
us know on your registration if you plan to attend on Monday and Tuesday.

Registration. We are intentionally keeping registration fees
affordable. Registration fees are $35 for students & low income ($50
after May 1); $65 for CPSR and members of endorsing organizations ($85
after May 1); and $95 ($120 after May 1) for others. Some scholarships
will be available. The CPSR benefit is $25. Proceedings are $20
each. You may register by mail or on-line on the symposium website.
Please send your check to CPSR, P.O. Box 717, Palo Alto, CA 94301,
CPSR Benefit. Meet with conference attendees informally while helping
CPSR at the same time! Enjoy snacks, drinks, art, and demos! We're
still planning this one but we know you'll enjoy it. $25 is the
suggested donation. (Please consider an additional contribution to
help CPSR organize programs like this in the future!)

Organizational Support. We are interested in working with a variety of
organizations on this. Please contact us if your organization would
like to become a co-sponsor, supporter or endorser.

Welcome to Seattle. We'd like to help make it easier for you to get to
Seattle, stay in Seattle, and enjoy Seattle while you're here. We will
be putting helpful information up soon on our web site.

Volunteers Wanted. For registration, workshop coordination, publicity,
and outreach. (And registration is free for volunteers!) Please
contact Ti Locke, tlocke@kcts.org, if you are interested.

DIAC-2000 promises to be one of the most timely and significant
conferences on cyberspace themes ever. We expect an exciting dialogue
between artists, educators, librarians, researchers, government
officials, journalists, and other community members. Please mark you
calendars to attend and help us make "Shaping the Network Society: The
Future of the Public Sphere in Cyberspace" as important and inspiring
as possible.

                 We hope to see you in Seattle this May!

The Virtual Coalition. We are pleased to be a member of the Global 2000
Virtual Community Coalition. The Virtual Coalition is a loosely
affiliated group of people, organizations, and events all over the
world who are working together in the year 2000 to help promote
democratic use of communication technology and discourage social
exclusion due to inequitable access to communication. Please contact
Nancy White, njwhite@halcyon.com, if you'd like your event listed.

DIAC-2000 is sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility

DIAC-2000 is co-sponsored by the Daniel Evans School of Public Affairs
(UW), the Association For Community Networks, Friends and Partners, and
the Seattle Community Network Association. We'd like to thank the
Morino Institute for their support.

We'd also like to thank the following organizations for their
endorsement. Advancing Women, Association for Women In Computing,
Community & Information Technology, Deep Thought Informatics Pty Ltd,
Edmonds Community College, I*EARN Canada, International Women's
University, Loka Institute, Media Jumpstart, Mid-Peninsula Access
Corporation, Municipal Technology, Oregon Public Networking, Paper
Tiger TV, Rae Consulting, The_Network, TINCAN, UW Computer Science
Department, and the UW chool of Library and Information Sciences. Let
us know if your organization would like to be added to this list.

Need more information? Contact Doug Schuler, douglas@cpsr.org,

> --
Susan Evoy * Deputy Director
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
P.O. Box 717 * Palo Alto * CA * 94302
Phone: (650) 322-3778 *
Email: evoy@cpsr.org
Join/Renew online: https://swww.igc.apc.org/cpsr/sec-membership-form.html

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