Re: FW: What Is The Internet Doing For Elizabeth? [Internet Week]

Vincent Munch (
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 11:15:16 -0500 (EST)


Wayne is missing the point or is so wrapped up in his little world that he
doesn't see all the access points around him. As I am writing this,
there are two non-elite users at library GUIs accessing criticisms of
book by Arundhati Roy (God of Small Things) while another is seeking
college catalogs online at another. In the background, a group of eight
patrons are getting an overview of the Internet in a 90 minute course we
offer at least 6 times a month plus 4 database Net programs and 3 online
catalog orientations, all for our local community elite (see the pasted
piece from Wayne's article re: elite)

"...It's not much of a stretch to see how the Internet is intended for the
elite. We're aiming at the college students with their high-speed, free
connections. We're marketing to the government employees with their
free access using their ".gov" or ".mil" domains. But that's not what's
going to make the Internet a global marketplace."

Wayne must be blind to all the non-elitist uses of the Net, including
those uses for Elizabeth the waitress/food server. The idea of menus on
the Net is not new and makes restaurant owners aware of how much better
their fare could be or how competitive they now are. Also Elizabeth
hopefully has other interests outside of work. She could be going to
hotel-restaurant management school and using the Net to help her complete
her courses. She could be looking for sites which offer her a better job.

Wayne is definitely narrow minded. If you have his e-mail, please send
him a copy of this reply. If you have questions, Norman, ask any
librarian in Westchester with elite access.

Have a good day.

Vin Munch