Fwd: Political Sites

Mon, 27 May 1996 14:23:21 -0400

Irene was not able to attend the May meeting in which the policy question
concerning support of the election process was discussed. Also, for some
reason, she's not on the WATPA Listserve, and hasn't seen any of the
discussion on this topic.
Forwarded message:
From: ireneh@prodigy.com (MS IRENE L HERZ)
To: MalNechis@aol.com
Date: 96-05-24 18:27:14 EDT

-- [ From: Irene Herz * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --

Mal --

To address your question on what the League of Women Voters plans to do
in regard to local candidates:

The League is planning to take the printed "Voter's Guide" which they
publish every year in September, and mark it up for the Internet. This
Guide is a collection of statements and biographical information from
each candidate running for public office, from the Village level to the
National. It is the collective work of many experienced volunteers,
and not the type of effort I recommend that WATPA try to emulate.

The League could use some help, though, from WATPA members willing to
assist in marking up the ASCII files the Guide will be stored in. In
fact, I'm sure they'd be happy right now to get some help putting in
the HTML tags on their Public Issue Studies, their Guide to County
Govt. and their Directory of Public Officials. (hint, hint.)