OT: Colo in NJ/Newark Lata 224 ?

From: Eric Kagan <ekagan_at_axsne.com>
Date: Tue Jan 11 2005 - 07:35:50 EST

I apologize for the OT post, but we need some space in NJ Lata 224 and I
would prefer to give people on this list the business. We are looking for
some colo space in NJ. We have a few options which I will list below. We
are willing to trade for space if anyone has a need for space or bandwidth
in MA (or New England). We have several POP's with access to many carriers.
Option 1a - Someone with a MUX or ATM switch in NJ that can take 2 or 3 ATT
T1's and backhaul to MA [I know this is very unlikely but thought I would
throw it out there. This saves us from having to put equipment down in NJ]
Option 2a - Rent 1-4U space for a router to terminate ATT circuits and get a
couple megs of BW for local public IP
Option 2b - Rent 1-4U space for a MUX and get a DS3 to backhaul traffic to
MA (and / or Someone with excessive bandwidth from NJ to MA that we can
carve out 3-6mb)
We are trying to avoid a data center with expensive T1 cross connects. ATT
and MCI in the building are a plus. We have talked to people at 95 Williams
and 165 Halsey in Newark and have recieved conflicting views. If anyone has
gear at those locations and can suggest a neutral space for colo or has
space to rent please contact me off-list. We are flexible so if someone can
give me a call to discuss I would appreciate it.
Eric Kagan
Access Northeast
508-281-7600 x204
Tech Support x4

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