WestNet: MacTCP & MacPPP

Quick Reference

MacTCP | MacPPP | Configuring Eudora | Additional Instructions

Configuring MacTCP

  1. Open the MacTCP control panel from the Control Panels folder.

    |		MacTCP			        |	
    |						|
    |						|	
    |  ppp						|	
    |						|	
    |	IP Address			|	
    |		more				|
  2. Select the PPP icon.

  3. Do not change the IP address.

  4. Click on the More button to bring up the MacTCP Configuration Dialog.

    |---Obtain Address--	 ---------IP Address----------| 	|
    |     Manually	      	 | Class: C  Address          | 	|
    |  X  Server             |   Subnet Mask| 	|
    |     Dynamically     	 |                            | 	|
    |			 |                            | 	|
    |			 |			      | 	|
    |			 |			      | 	|
    |			 |			      | 	|
    |-------------------     |----------------------------| 	|
    |						        	|
    |                                                       	|
    | -Routing Information-						|
    |   Gateway Address:	 ----Domain Name Server Info--- 	|
    |			 |   Domain        ip address  Default	|
    |			 | -------------   ------------         |
    |			 | |westnet.com|   || X    |
    |		   	 | -------------    -----------         |
    |		 	 | -------------   ------------         |
    | 			 | |.          |   ||      |
    |			 | -------------    -----------         |
    |		 	 | -------------   ------------         |
    |			 | |.          |   ||      |
    |			 | -------------   ------------         |
  5. Enter the following in the configuration dialog:

Configuring MacPPP

  1. Bring up the Config PPP control panel from Control Panels folder.

  2. Set PPP Server to westnet.com.

  3. Click on the Config button.

  4. Enter the following in the server dialog:

  5. Close MacPPP and Mac TCP.

  6. Reboot the system to make sure everything is changed.

Once your computer restarts, go to the ConfigPPP Panel and click on Open. You should be up and running.

Configuring Eudora

To configure Eudora to read your e-mail:

  1. Run Eudora.

  2. From the Special menu, select Configuration.

  3. Enter the following:

  4. From the Special menu, select Switches.

  5. In the top center of the window, check the Save Password option.

  6. To read your mail, from the File menu, select Check Mail.

Additional Instructions for MAC Users

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