Community Info Web Page

Norman Jacknis (
Sun, 8 Oct 1995 16:25:25 -0700

We have a basic version of a cultural and community information Web page up on
the WLS server. The URL is

Right now, it contains information about the Emelin Theatre, Paramount Center in
Peekskill, and Teatown Reservation. We will add more information as we get it.
However, each of these required a fair amount of work on the originals even to
get it to its current state.

It follows the "design" approach used by CARL in the main WLS Web page. So,
it's not all that sexy, although the content is surely worthwhile. (Perhaps,
Christine P. will have a free moment and help improve it.)

It looks okay in Netscape and Netcom's Netcruiser. It will probably be okay in
Lynx as there are no graphics to speak of. I can't vouch for any other
products. (I'd be interested in your experiences.)

By the way, this page cannot be reached by the general public from the main Web
page of WLS. I need the proper permissions to add the item to that page. So for
now, you're in on a secret.

Anyway, all and any comments will be appreciated.

Norm Jacknis