WATPA: WATPA Server Virus Attack

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From: Norman J. Jacknis (norm@jacknis.com)
Date: Thu Sep 20 2001 - 22:31:17 EDT

As you may know, at the start of the month, we brought up our new web server -- under Microsoft Windows 2000 and its IIS web server. We installed all the latest Microsoft security patches and things were fine until this week.

You may have heard of an attack on tens of thousands of Microsoft Web servers late Tuesday, which was all the more vicious than previous viruses because it went after every file. (The timing of this in conjunction with the horror at the World Trade Center was even commented upon by the Attorney General.) As a result we pulled the WATPA server off the air temporarily.

This incident was also the "straw that broke the camel's back." WATPA and WLS have decided that Microsoft's web server presents too tempting a target for hackers, so we have moved the WATPA web files to a different operating system and web server. This will be brought back onto the Internet tomorrow morning.

However, please be patient with us as it will take a few days to clean up and move over all of the more recent files and also to reestablish security for the various webmasters who depend upon WATPA/WLS hosting.

Thank you,
Norm Jacknis

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