WATPA: FW: Seeking Submissions for E-Government Briefing Book

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From: Norman J. Jacknis (norm@jacknis.com)
Date: Wed Feb 14 2001 - 22:57:28 EST

WATPA is member of the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Board and we received this request. Any suggestions?


Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee E-Government Task Force
Briefing Book Submissions Guidelines

In March, the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee
E-Government Task Force plans to release a briefing book and CD-ROM
to the members of the Caucus http://www.netcaucus.org/members/ and
the Caucus Advisory Committee. The goal of this briefing book is to
compile a vast array of writings on the different E-Government topics
and, in doing so, further define this relatively new issue area
educating Members of Congress and others in the process.

The Task Force will accept submissions -- according to the Guidelines
below -- until Wednesday, February 28th. Submissions are open to any
organization or entity, however, please realize that submissions that
do not meet the Guidelines may not be accepted, particularly as the
deadline draws near.

*** Guidelines for briefing book submission ***

1) Each submission must be tailored to a specific section of the
briefing book based on the outline below. Specifically, the
submission must address the issue in the context of e-government (for
example, a paper on workforce issues in high tech generally would not
be acceptable, but a sub-section on unique challenges facing
governments probably would be).

Briefing Book Outline

* The Purpose of Transforming Government

The Mandate for e-Government
* crisis of trust in Gov't (accountability)
* coming generation of digital youth
* public demand
* cost-savings

Elements of Transformation:
* leadership
* strategic investment
* collaboration
* civic engagement (e-democracy)

Challenges and Opportunities:
* workforce issues
* cost structures (investment now, savings later)
* privacy
* security
* interoperability
* records management
* permanent availability and preservation
* access
* digital divide
* education/marketing
* competition/collaboration
* intergovernmentalism (local/state/federal/international)

You MUST indicate the appropriate category when submitting. If you
have one document covering many categories you have three options: 1)
keep it whole and submit it in the "introduction category" if
appropriate; 2) break it into pieces yourself; or 3) make a request
that it remain whole within a category with pointers from others.
Because of the heavy demand and tight schedule, we cannot promise
that requests will be met and we may even have to edit documents if
they contain information irrelevant to the outline.

2) Please send materials in a word processing format (e.g. MS Word
[preferred], Wordperfect, plain text). Faxes, hard copies and .pdf
documents (Adobe Acrobat) will NOT be accepted.

3) Materials MUST include header information.

Please indicate:

* the organization that is submitting

* comments and requests with the contact person of that organization
with their phone number/email.

4) Email all submissions to breifing@netcaucus.org.

Example Submission

Submitting Organization: Agency for E-Government
Contact: John Smith <jsmith@wereforegov.org>
Paper name: E-Government and the Digital Divide
Category: Challenges and Opportunities | Digital Divide
Format: MS Word (attached)
Document Name: divide.doc

5) The Task Force plans to notify submitters of the status of your
submission by mid-March.

Ari Schwartz
Senior Policy Analyst
Center for Democracy and Technology
1634 I Street NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20006
202 637 9800
fax 202 637 0968

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