A belated congratulations to Peter Soden '00 who was the face off specialist
for Team
Ireland in the recent World Games.  I understand from the coaches
that he did a great job.  He has been in the Peace Corps in
Africa, so I
don't believe he has had much opportunity to work on his moves in a while!
Peter spent his first 8 years in
Ireland before his family moved to New
, making him the "most Irish" guy on Team Ireland.  The remainder of
the team was Irish Americans.  The criteria for World Team play is that your
grandparents or parents must be from the country.

Along those lines, I have been contacted by someone in search of players for
the 2006 World Games from the following countries:
Italy, Denmark, Norway,
Belgium, Holland, Finland and Latvia.  If anyone is interested and
qualified, please let me know. 

Hope everyone is well.  We are just getting started with football, soccer
has already started practice.  I'm looking forward to the players returning
and getting started with fall work outs.  We'll have several football and
hockey guys missing, as well as some juniors abroad.  The remainder of guys
will be doing "captain's practices".  They have done a great job with those
recently, and I expect they will do the same this fall.  For those of you
who did the many "pink house" runs, you might be interested in knowing the
house was recently painted a tannish color, it just doesn't have the same
ring as "the pink house".  An end of another era!
