We lost yesterday to Bowdoin in OT.  Kudos to Bowdoin, it has been a tough place for us to win in recent years.  We were ready for them at the start of the game and played well early, getting a 3-2 lead at the quarter and scoring first in the 2nd Q to lengthen the lead to 4-2.  The two goals they did score were a precursor of things to come, as one was on a man down in which we were complacent with our feet and the other was a defenseman just getting beat top side on a dodge that was not that aggressive.  We had some good possessions on offense early and were playing solid midfield d, so the game was going well.  Their 3rd goal was a bad luck goal when a loose ball bounced in front of the crease and they picked it up and scored.  However, it is typical to feel as if we give up some "bad luck" goals up there, but it is probable that they just outhustled us and picked up the scrappy, hustle points leading to those types of goals and extra possessions.  They were also able to pick up a bunch of possessions by dominating the X.  As the 2nd Quarter progressed, they were to score 3 more goals which would leave us frustrated as they were all preventable.  One was on a dodge, just poor on-ball and off-ball defense, but a nice dodge by a very good attackman as well.  Two were off unsettled situations when we did a poor job of finding open people and they had easy goals.  They did a nice job on offense of getting solid possessions.  Their top attackman can put pressure on the defense by getting a step and feeding well.  They have good depth in the midfield with players that can put pressure on the short sticks.  And, they finished some big goals when they needed them.


On the offensive end we generated some pretty good opportunities, so we have improved in the past couple of games.  However, it was not good enough in the end.  In the last several minutes of the game we had a number of opportunities to score and win the game but were unable to do so.  I had the feeling watching the shooting down the stretch that we were a tight team hoping not to lose and they were a loose team playing hard to win.  I counted around 9 quality scoring opportunities in the last couple minutes and we did not score.


We won they OT face off but lost possession when their face off man yelled to the ref that he was being held, giving them what would be the only possession of the game.  They had a solid possession going when their attackman drove the right handed wing, drawing our defeners ball side.  We were flat footed, nervously ball watching a dodger who was going below the plane of the goal when he confidently zipped the ball cross cage to a middie who confidently stuck a nice overhand shot to win the game.  Well-executed by Bowdoin.


The missed scoring opportunities were typical of the day.  They came up big when they had to and we were unable to do so.  I was struck recently by an article in SI about the UConn men's basketball team.  The article described a somber mood in the locker room after a double figure win.  They were playing uptight, afraid to lose, not playing with enthusiasm and joy.  That's where we are right now. We need to tighten the screws on mental errors, while loosening up the screws on enjoying the games. 


Hopefully a bunch of guys will get up to the Trinity game for Alumni Weekend to witness the first step in that direction.