I do not deem it to be a breaking of that trust when -- entirely unsolicited by me or by my family or by any of those working with me on my staff -- individuals or organizations outside my domain come spontaneously to me or my staff to employ me as a speaker, author, architect, or consultant. It is these unsolicited, uncontrived, spontaneous short-engagement employments of me in one role or another, plus -- on rare occasions -- an unsolicited outright gift to me of money, materials, tools, working space, commissions for designs, orders for specific products, etc., which altogether uncontrived employments and unsought gifts I have classified for you as the "miracles," always unforeseeable-in-advance, which have financed or implemented my technical intiatives.


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Layout copyleft © 1995 Christopher Rywalt.
Text copyright © 1982 R. Buckminster Fuller.