When in 1927 I started the experiment to discover what a little individual might be able to do effectively on behalf of all humanity, I said to myself. "You are going to have to do all your own thinking." I had been brought up in an era in which all the older people said to all the young people. "Never mind what you think. Listen to what we are trying to teach you to think!" However, as experience multiplied, I learned time and again that the way things often turned out evidenced that the way I had been thinking was often a more accurate, informative, and significant way of comprehending the significance of events than was the academic and conventional way I was being taught, so I said, "If I am going to discard all my taught-to-believe reflexings, I must do all my own thinking. I must go entirely on my own direct experiential evidence."


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Layout copyleft © 1995 Christopher Rywalt.
Text copyright © 1982 R. Buckminster Fuller.