Fwd: teacher candidate

MalNechis (MalNechis@AOL.COM)
Sat, 16 May 1998 17:19:19 EDT

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Can anyone help?


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From: Segarama <Segarama@aol.com>
Return-path: <Segarama@aol.com>
To: MalNechis@aol.com
Subject: teacher candidate
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 02:15:35 EDT
Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com)
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Good evening......I am Dr. Robert L Harriman.....and we have a strong special
education teacher headed for New York soon. She would like to teach special
education as close to her residence as possible that being Westchester. Would
you please advise on where she should go to fill out an application and submit
a resume...She will be coming from the State of Washington and returning home
to New York......You can reach her by e-mail at
Her name is Sara and is considered outstanding.

Thank You......Rob Harriman Ed.D.
