FWD: On-Line Electronic Privacy Bookstore And Censorship Sites

Norman J. Jacknis (njacknis@ix.netcom.com)
Thu, 19 Dec 1996 13:34:46 -0500

Hi, all --

I thought some of you might be interested in these two items
1) an on-line electronic privacy bookstore
2) an interesting survey about the public's censorship concerns.

Wishing everyone happy holidays and a happy new year!

Norm Jacknis


Many of you know EPIC as the electronic privacy organization which was =
formed to center attention on issues of electronic privacy and civil =
liberties in cyberspace. In that role, it has just opened a bookstore
section which features an excellent assortment of privacy and related =
books at their Web site. It's a comprehensive assortment of books, =
ranging from the epic "Applied Cryptography" to fiction such as "Snow =
Crash", various
technical journals, and obscure but tantalizing titles like "The Naked =
Consumer: How Our Private Lives Became Public Commodities", and =
"Computer Crime Techniques Prevention and Detecting Crime in Financial =

Lots of good browsing for laypeople and technical pros.




This according to the latest indispensible GVU's WWW User Survey. Fully =
35% of the 15,000-plus respondents said that censorship was the most =
important issue facing the Internet today, with privacy coming in second =
place at
26.2%. In addition, more than 2/3 of respondents (67.6%) reported that =
they were not willing to pay additional fees for accessing Web =
materials. The survey ran throught October and November of this year. As =
usual, there are
many, many more interesting results then we can report here, so we urge =
you to take a look at the site for a fascinating snapshot of our online =
