Fwd: County and local information

Tue, 29 Oct 1996 14:21:57 -0500

Can anyone please help answer this request.
Forwarded message:
From: bn220@mail.vivanet.com (Olean Public Library)
Reply-to: bn220@mail.vivanet.com
To: MalNechis@aol.com
Date: 96-10-29 13:20:34 EST

Hello, I am a librarian at the Olean Public Library, Olean NY.
I am interested in obtaining a copy of any informational tourist
pamphlets your organization produces, for our state files.
If you are not involved in tourism for Westchester County, I would
appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.
Thank you.

Nicki Lerczak

Olean Public Library
134 N. Second St.
Olean, NY 14760