Very Interesting...

William Langham (
Fri, 2 Aug 1996 11:11:16 -0400 (EDT)

This note was posted to PUBLIB, a public Library list. Seems interesting
in its ramifications...

Bill Langham

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 23:17:03 -0400
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: PUBLIB digest 823

PUBLIB Digest 823
Topic No. 5

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 22:49:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Karen G. Schneider)
Subject: Anatomy of a Netscam?
Message-ID: <>

So many folks have emailed me about how you buy words that it's worth
forwarding this. It was discussed quite heatedly on WEB4LIB... inspiring a
discussion, still worth exploring, on whether librarians should
collectively build a public-access Internet catalog.

>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 17:25:02 -0500 (CDT)
>From: Julie Mangin <>
>Subject: Anatomy of a Netscam?
>Sender: Public-Access Computer Systems Forum <PACS-L@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU>
>X-Sender: jmangin@cliff
>To: Multiple recipients of list PACS-L <PACS-L@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU>
>Reply-to: Public-Access Computer Systems Forum <PACS-L@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU>
>MIME-version: 1.0
>Approved-By: Public-Access Computer Systems Forum <LIBPACS@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU>
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>"Anatomy of a Netscam: Why Your Internet Search May Not Be as Honest as
>You Think." Washington Post, July 7, 1996, Outlook Section, page C5. By
>David Corn.
>This article reports that Iron Mountain Global Information Systems has
>purchased the words "elections," "Republican," "Democratic," and several
>other words on the Yahoo site. What it means is that whenever you search
>one of these words, your retrieval list will include a banner ad that
>says, "Top Ten Political Sites." Here is a quote from the article:
> "What is a bit sleazy is that this "top 10" listing is not based on any
>qualitative or quantitative measure. It is not the 10 most popular
>political sites with cybersurfers. Nor is it an expert's judgment of the
>10 best political sites. It is, in actuality, a listing of 10 political
>sites that are willing to pay IMGIS to be included on the list. IMGIS
>charges $3,000 a month for the display space at the top of the Top 10
>page; spots further down go for less. And on Yahoo! -- the most popular
>search engine -- the initial banner that directs a consumer to the Top 10
>site is not even labeled as an advertisement. The bottom-line: IMGIS is
>buying up key words in order to push Internet traffic to its clients'
>Julie Mangin Depository Library No. 0092
>Librarian Internet:
>Acquisitions & Serials Branch, Room 002
>USDA, National Agricultural Library Telephone: (301)504-6321
>Beltsville MD 20705-2351

Karen G. Schneider * *
Author, The Internet Access Cookbook (e-mail
Director, US EPA Region 2 Library * Cybrarian * Columnist, American Libraries
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