Re: Gannett article

Norm Jacknis (
Sat, 27 Jan 1996 16:20:10 -0500

Norm Liss relayed information about the Gannett Herald Statesman =
article. =20

I am also gratified to see that the organization is beginning to have an =
impact. (By the way, if anyone has a copy of the article, please send =
it to me or bring it to the next meeting for our print "archives".)

The situation in Yonkers doesn't surprise me. Those of you who have =
discussed this matter with me in the past know that I have always been =
skeptical about attempts to gain a monopoly in government information of =
wide interest to the general public. I don't think it makes sense from =
a public policy perspective or a business perpective. =20

There are lots of ways for private companies to make money from the =
information super-highway -- but these depend upon understanding the =
nature of it, not trying to impose an inappropriate business model on =
it. Many billions of investment dollars have gone down the drain when =
businesses have forgetten this. Prodigy is one big and good example, =
but not the only one or the last one we'll see.
