WATPA Homepage II: The PathMaster

Warren J. Sirota (73510.500@compuserve.com)
Mon, 15 Jan 1996 20:55:37 -0500

I have only one word for Bill Langham's 13th-hour suggestion of PathMaster
as the WATPA homepage name: BRILLIANT! Despite the previous pronouncement
(there's that alliteration again) re: Info Depot, it would be wrong to
ignore such a good name, and indeed, our homepage shall be Westchester
PathMaster. It fits the criteria better than the first:
1. It alliterates.
2. It's catchy AND has a historical twist.
3. It is user friendly.
4. It captures the main idea of the homepage which is to be the best place
to go to find 'where to go' for everything Westchester. Kinda like a town
traffic cop, although I fancy the Daniel Boone/Davy Crockett aspect of
PathMaster. (I do have a real, handmade racoon hat.) It plays off the
compass well too.
5. It is as concise as possible: one syllable less than Info Depot.

I discussed this change with our chairperson NJ and he agrees it is the
way to go, so this really is the last word (for now) re: the homepage name.

Note we are using the TM (trademark) notation with the name "Westchester
PathMaster" in that precise form: one word with caps on P and M. Given the
association with Westchester and the historical context, WATPA will have a
strong claim to the trademark.

On a final note, I have sent a mock-up of the new homepage to Chris at
WestNet. If you want a peek, point your Web browser to:
