Two More Cents

William Langham (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 21:58:31 -0500 (EST)

Saw this post from CPSR, Computer Professionals for Social
Responsibility, and think Item 3 is what we're initially looking for at
the WLS/CommInfo site:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 09:48:03 -0400
Subject: CPSRWWW

From: EDU%"eroberts@Eeyore.Stanford.EDU" 24-AUG-1995 05:56:09.66
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <errors@...
Subj: CPSR releases updated World Wide Web site


I am writing to announce that CPSR's World Wide Web site has been
extensively updated, largely through the work of CPSR's summer interns,
Patrick Weston and Daniel Bressler. The URL for the web site is

We have improved the web site in the following ways:

1. We have eliminated out-of-date material.

2. We have added quite a lot of new material. For example, the new
site includes:

- The program and registration material for the 1995 Annual Meeting
- Information on the newly established Independent Project Fund
- An outline of CPSR's history and structure
- An updated directory of CPSR publications
- A complete list of CPSR Newsletter articles
- Contact information for all CPSR chapters
- Advance information on PDC'96 and CFP'96


3. We have enhanced the consistency of the pages so that they present
a common look-and-feel with as much symmetry of structure as we
could maintain. In order to accommodate users with text browsers
or low-bandwidth connections, we have avoided the use of fancy
images in favor of making the material available in as simple
a way as possible.

We invite you to take a look at the updated site. If you have
suggestions, please send them to

Happy surfing.

-- Eric Roberts, President
Computer Professionals for
Social Responsibility