Community Info Page: Two More Cents

Warren J. Sirota (
31 Oct 95 10:56:05 EST

I have been following the discussion on what to do, or not do, about a WATPA
sponsored community information page. Here's my two cents.

WATPA should do something, and it should be simple and user non-hostile. ("User
friendly" is an oxymoron in the computer biz.) Although its important to have a
vision and wish list, we may approach the problem from a "tools" perspective.
The question is, what tools are available to author the site? Since we may be
limited to inexpensive alternatives, our options for establishing a "look and
feel," search mechanisms and menu hierarchies may be defined by the tools we can
afford. Although I normally recommend against a technology down approach (the
right way is to determine needs, wants, and desires and then find the products
that fit) it may be a practical approach for WATPA. Does anyone out there haved
suggestions on the authoring tools we should consider? If so, I'll be glad to
investigate and make some recommendations.
