WATPA: Convening Westchester's Video & Information Access Communities at the ACM Conf.

From: BiceW@AOL.COM
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 18:08:22 EST

Chingwa & I met on Tiesday to discuss WATPA's participation in the ACM
Conference in March.

As we discussed the many issues facing those seeking to wake up Westchester
County's information and community access technolgies, it struck us that
perhaps holding a caucus of Westchester folk from WATPA's list, as well as
from Public Access Facilties, Cultural Organizations & Libraries might be
agood idea.

You will have seen Chingwa's earlier emails about the idea. We will meet for
about 90 minutes over lunch on the Friday of the conference. Perhaps we will
look for a speaker who can stimulate our thinking. Most importantly, we may
energize WATPA's efforts at the synthesis of TV, Info & Public Media, and
start on ongoing caucus that can educate, collaborate on francise and legal
issues, and start to see and articulate the big picture.

Please let us know if you are interested. Also, let us know if you have
e-mailing lists of other groups (Municipal folk, Public Access Folk,
Librarians, etc.) whom we can reach out to.

Chingwa & I will carry the ball, and we can also use one of two others to
help with logistics.

Feedback please.

Bice C. Wilson

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