WATPA: FW: Internet Campaigns Study

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From: Norm Jacknis (norm@jacknis.com)
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 23:05:23 EDT



Opinion leaders indicate preferences for advocacy Web sites and
illustrate power of online advertising

Washington D.C. May 8, 2002 – mindshare Internet Campaigns today
released the results of a recent survey of more than 230 Capitol Hill
staff, Executive branch workers, and inside- the-beltway opinion
leaders conducted online on NationalJournal.com. Among the key

- Congressional offices indicated they prefer constituent communications
  via snail-mail over e-mail by a margin of more than 5 to 1 (53.2%
  prefer snail-mail, 10.4% prefer e- mail),

- Congressional staff and other opinion-leaders indicate they turn to
  public affairs Web sites run by coalitions, corporations, and issue
  groups for position papers, tutorials to learn about complex issues,
  and the impact of an issue on their state or district.

- Paid online advertising can generate significant response rates from
  this highly desirable audience if it is targeted, relevant, and the
  creative execution is professional.

"These results indicate that even in the wake of anthrax, Congressional
offices continue to prefer snail mail. It is clear that congressional
staff struggle with how to handle constituent e-mail," said Jonah
Seiger, Co-Founder and Chief Strategist with mindshare Internet
Campaigns. "E-mail and the Web are cost effective tools for mobilizing
a constituency, but according to surveyed Hill staff, letters, phone
calls, personal visits, and other offline formats are much more
effective tools to employ when trying to influence Congress."

Another important finding revealed that when key decision makers turn
to the Web, they are looking for specific kinds of information. In
large numbers, this audience indicated that they are seeking position
papers, online tutorials to learn about complex issues, and for
information presented in ways that illustrate impact on their state
or district.

"The Web has tremendous power to impact public policy deliberations."
Seiger added. "These results further our understanding of how to
create innovative and effective online programs to help our clients
impact Congress and the Executive Branch."

The survey was conducted between April 22 and 26 using banner ads and
e-mail alerts on NationalJournal.com, the online home of
National Journal, The Hotline, CongressDaily, and Technology Daily.
The ads drove visitors to a ten-question survey. A total of 239
individuals participated in the survey.

The study also confirmed that online advertising can generate
significant response from this highly desirable audience. More than
460,000 ad impressions were delivered during this 5 day period. The
overall click-through-rate was 1.16%, more than four times the
industry average. The conversion rate (percentage of the visitors who
clicked on the ad who completed the survey) was 30%, more than three
times the industry average. The results demonstrate that relevant,
targeted, and professionally created ads can generate significant
response in a measurable way.

mindshare Internet Campaigns LLC (www.mindshare.net) is a leading
provider of Internet strategy and technology development for public
affairs. Founded in 1997, mindshare helps trade associations, issue
coalitions, Fortune 100 corporations and non-profit organizations
harness the unique power of the Internet to achieve their public
affairs objectives.

To obtain a copy of the study, "Online Advertising: Challenging the
Myths," contact Victoria Lion Monroe, Vice President Client Services,
mindshare Internet Campaigns, at 202-654-0829.


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